Friday, August 31, 2012

Kiwi/Dragon Fruit Jelly Mooncake

中秋节快到了.到处可看到月饼. 上星期上了Alex Goh月饼课, 决定今年我要开始自己做月饼. 今天我先从Jelly燕菜月饼开始. 家人还称赞好, 这里我要跟大家分享,  希望你们会喜欢.

Ingredients: makes 16 small mooncakes

200gm Water
38 gm Cane Sugar
1 Pandan leaf
2 gm Agar agar powder
45ml Fresh milk
a drop of red

380g Water
45gm Cane Sugar
2 Pandan leaves
4 gm Agar agar powder
1 Green kiwifruits
1/2 dragon fruit


  1. Boil (A) - water, sugar,agar agar powder and pandan leaf together in a pot at medium heat. Keep stirring mixture with a hand whisk until liquid boiled. Discard pandan leaf and off heat. 
  2. Add fresh milk, continue to stir for another one minute. 
  3. Divide liquid into 2 portions, add two drops of cherry red 1 portion and stir well. 
  4. Pour red and brown liquid into each cavity evenly. Leave jellies mould to set in the refrigerator. 
  5. Cut, dragon fruit and green kiwfruits into cubes and set aside. 
  6. Boil (B) - water, sugar, agar agar powder and pandan leaves in a pot at medium heat. Keep stirring mixture with a hand whisk until liquid boiled with a hand whisk. 
  7. Discard pandan leaves and put all the kiwifruits and cherries into it, off heat. Continue to stir well with a spoon for another one minute. 
  8. Take out jellies mould from the fridge and use a small knife gently scratch the set jellies before adding the kiwifruits mixture on it. This method is to make the agar agar jelly sticks together. 
  9. Scoop kiwifruits mixture into each cavity evenly and leave to set in refrigerator for at least 2 hours or more.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

卡士达超软土司 Custard Loaf



(A) 卡士达酱
  • 1 蛋黄
  • 10 白糖
  • 15 高筋粉
  • 65 牛奶
  • 250 高粉
  • 30 白糖
  • 1/2 茶匙
  • 1 茶匙 酵母
  • 15 奶粉
  • 100
(C) 25 黄油 (我用牛油)

  1. 将材料(A)的所有材料倒入一个小锅里,搅拌均匀,然后用小火慢慢加热,加热的同时要不断的搅拌,直到溶液慢慢变成糊状。然后将卡士达酱放入一个小碗,用保鲜膜包上待冷,然后放入冰箱冷藏1个小时。
  2. 将做好的卡士达酱和所有的(B) 材料放入搅拌机里搅拌或手揉至面团表面光滑. 然后加入材料(C)继续搅拌或手揉至面团有延展性,可以拉出薄膜状.我用了大该25分钟。
  3. 将面团放容器发酵至2倍大。我用了大该60分钟。
  4. 轻拍面团排气。然后将面团分成3份,滚圆用白布盖上松弛15分钟。
  5. 将面团压扁,用擀面棒将面团先擀出椭圆形,然后折叠再用擀面棒擀出长条卷起来,放入抹了少许油的长方形烤盘里。3个面团每个之间留出一些空隙,接口处放在最下面。
  6. 用白布或保鲜膜盖上继续发酵至9分满。我用了大该60分钟。然后在表面刷上一层蛋液。
  7. 放入180-190C(350-375F)的烤箱烤30分钟。烤了20分钟后用锡箔纸将表面盖上,或降低10-20C以免表面烤糊了。出烤箱后立即脱模。

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rice Flour Swissroll

I have tried this swiss roll many times, it is a very soft and my sons like it very much.  I hope you will like it as well.

Egg Yolk
5 nos.

30 gm

1/4 tsp 茶匙

50 gm

Anchor Milk
Anchor 牛奶水
40 gm

Rice Flour
100 gm

Baking powder
1/2 tsp 茶匙

Egg white
5 nos.

120 gm

Cream of Tartar
1/4 tsp 茶匙

Anchor whipping cream, whipped
Anchor 鲜奶油

  1. Mix (A) till well blended.
  1. Whisk the egg white in (B) till soft peak, then add in the remaining ingredients and whip till stiff
  2. Take 1/4 of the meringue mix with the above egg yolk mixture until combined.  Add in the remaining meringue mix until evenly blended
  3. Pour into 10"x16" pan.  Bake at 170 °C for 20 minutes
  4. Spread the whipped cream on top and roll it up as shown

  1. 16 x 10 x 1寸浅烤盘四边和盘底铺纸。
  2. (A) 混合搅拌至均匀.
  3. (B)的蛋白用中速续打至湿性发泡, 加入糖继续搅拌至硬.
  4. 的蛋白面糊(B)(A)的面糊用橡胶刮刀拌均。将它加入剩余的蛋白面糊混合搅拌均匀。
  5. 将面糊倒入准备好的烤盘里并将它弄平均。
  6. 放在烤炉中层,以170°C的炉温烤20分钟。将烤熟的蛋糕马上移出烤盘,待冷.
  7. 将打起植物性鲜淇淋抹在蛋糕上,然後再将它卷起来。