Ingredients / 材料:
Method / 做法:
- Shred turnip and carrots. Soak both dried shrimps and dried mushrooms until soften. Cut mushrooms into small cubes.
- Place the rice flour in a middle-sized bowl. Pour water into flour and stir well. Line a steamer with the tin foil and grease.
- Heat up the oil in a wok. Add in turnip, carrots, and mushroom fry until the turnip transparent. Add in onion fritters and season with the salt and pepper.
- Pour the rice flour mixture into the turnips and cook until the mixture thickens. Pour the thick batter into the prepared steamer and cook at high fire for 40-60 minutes.
- Set aside. Slice when turnip cake is cool. Heat some oil in a wok and pan-fry the cake until the both sides turn golden. Serve with chili sauce.
- 把红白萝卜刨成细丝。香菇泡水后切成细丝。
- 把粘米粉和水调成米浆。在蒸笼上铺上层锡纸,刷上一层菜油。
- 烧热炒锅,入菜油炒萝卜和香菇丝一块放进去炒,炒到萝卜透明,放入葱酥,胡椒粉和盐炒匀。
- 把米浆倒入萝卜中,拌炒至粘稠。把米糊倒入备好的蒸笼旺火蒸50分钟。
- 晾凉萝卜糕,然后切成片状。加热煎锅,放入少许油,把萝卜糕煎至两面金黄即可。